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An A-Z Guide to the Language of Knitting Patterns

by Andrea Berman Price

Knitspeak aims to demystify pattern language and gives knitters
the confidence to take on new projects. It is designed for
quick reference and sized to fit in every knitting bag

The book is published by
STC Craft/Melanie Falick Books,
an imprint of Stewart, Tabori & Chang

Ask your local yarn store to carry it!!
Look for Book Signings near you.

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Knitting books may devote one or two pages to how to read patterns, but there is no other comprehensive book on how to translate knitting language into English.


A great number of people have contributed to this book.  Some were students, some are members of my local knitting circle, and others participated as members of three focus groups in Olympia, WA and at the Yarn Garden in Portland, OR. 

Thanks to all of you for
co-creating this book!


To sign up on the Knitspeak mailing list for notices (not often, I promise) about the book’s arrival in stores, book signings, workshops, etc.: info@knitspeak.com